Thursday, 14 July 2016

Fwd: The Alps in the rain: Day 32

Day 32 was from Ljubljana to the Italian ski resort of San Martino di Castrozza. The distance didn't sound too bad - 380 kms - and 10 hours to do it. But that didn't include the hairpins and the rain. Rain is always a challenge in the Alvis because even with the roof on, water comes through the open sides. If it's heavy you end up with a wet arm. If it's bucketing down, it's wet ankles too as the rain seeps through the engine compartment into the foot well. Yesterday it was torrential and long. Driving up and down Alps all day is hard for the driver: arms hauling the steering wheel round hairpin bends and right foot standing on the brakes as we descend. Add a prolonged rainstorm and it's a tiring - and tiresome - day.

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